All residents of Southern Saskatchewan who are between the ages of 12 and 26 and study an orchestral instrument are eligible to audition for the SSYO. All returning Orchestra members are required to re-audition each year.
Please complete the required application forms online.
Please note that the SSYO is an organization that communicates by email. Providing an email address on the application form that is regularly checked application will allow you to receive important updates and information from the Music Director and Board of Directors.
Payment for Membership and Orchestral training fees can be made by cheque, e-transfer or online using PayPal. Fees can be paid at the time of your audition. Fees will be returned to unsuccessful candidates.
Audition times can be arranged for each applicant on April 13/14, 2024. If you've missed the deadline, please contact us as additional arrangements can be made.
Each audition takes approximately ten minutes. Be prepared to play a solo of your choice, bringing a copy of the music for the conductors to follow as you play. Each player will be asked to play orchestral excerpts that all members of the orchestral section have been asked to prepare. Players should be prepared to play any part of both their own solo and the excerpts, although time will limit how much can be played.
Percussion players should be prepared to demonstrate their playing ability on all section instruments for which they wish to be considered.
Section placements are reassigned each year, based on audition results as well as experience and previous history with the SSYO.
Curious about costs? You can learn more here.